Always thought it would be so nice when there would be nothing to do at all. Away from the daily chores - alarm rings, checking the time to clarify with one half opened eye literally watering due to an all time never complete sleep, somehow making tea, warming milk for hubby, making breakfast, packing lunch, catching up with ma and then finally dragging myself to get ready for office.
The same old tantrums of the auto rickshaw guys that they don't want to take me because it's a short distance and not good money for them. The same old way of me with a pitiful face requesting with eyes gleaming with hope for a yes as if a big achievement, all of this before my day at work starts and the many more events of the day - suddenly I realize that no, they were not so horrible, they were a part of me, a part of my identity, that is who i am... And yes i seem to be missing it now that I am on a month rest at home.
Strange as it may sound but doing all those small things and following the routine did give me peace of mind. I had a purpose and a reason to go through the day.
But since I got this phase in life, I am re-looking at me feeling like a slave of my habits and trying to do things my slavery would not have allowed...
y u on a month long rest ? all well naki kono good news :)
no re just some health problems.
i get unnerved if i don't make the morning tea each morning at a given time. It calms me.
true, though often the mundane gets to me...
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