Scrambled eggs for breakfast, bad day at work, snide comments, indirect status messages, wishing even a good morning and wat's up is what one would usually see on the popular social networking sites.
As everything, social media too has its pros and cons. The pros no doubt go a long way in being the individual we ought to be today. What worries me more is the cons. Are we losing touch with the real world? Are we drawing ourselves into a shell when it comes to being 'social' since we have created a comfort zone within 4 walls of our rooms in front of the screen?
For some, may be yes. We find it easy to catch up, wish and communicate with each other through these sites. But is the personal touch missing in that case? Who talks about personal touch when the wife just finds enough time to catch a glimpse of her husband while she leaves for the day or a father gets to see his child only on a weekend?
Social media is an add-on to what we have around us, it is not about putting what we have behind. My cousin is already an introvert who prefers keeping in touch through these sites. What should not be forgotten is to keep in touch with the real world within the possible time an individual can afford to spare.

Have we lost touch with our surroundings so much that we have to share our mental state with all those on our so called friend list?
May be we are yet to utilize this medium to our advantage. We need to strike a balance between getting personal and extracting the best this medium is here to offer.