Fathers’ Day, Mothers’ Day, Valentine’s Day and also a Women’s Day! We often feel all this is just a reflection of the western culture. Ways and means for the greetings cards and the gift shops to earn bucks. We never had these days before. But the good side of it, we women at least feel recognized on one of the 365 days. I really am proud being a woman. Not being feminist, but to come to think of it, I now am able to look deeper into the beautiful intricacies of being a woman.
It’s only a woman who can happily give up her career because of her new life or ‘coz of a new member coming into the life; leave her parents and friends back and accept the family and friends of her husband as hers to a large extent. It doesn’t’ go onto say that she severs all her ties with her loved ones, but she accommodates a whole lot of new individuals into her close knit circle. As though suddenly she needs to create some more space in her own small world, where till date she carefully picked up the ones she wanted to be a part of it, but not so anymore. She quickly manages to place the individuals in her world keeping the order of her world intact.
It’s amazing even to think of it as to how we women can do all of it happily, without a frown. At least now we are blessed with more understanding and loving husbands who treat you as an equal but think of the times when our grandmothers would make such sacrifices without realizing or being acknowledged for their selfless contribution.
I just happened to come across an article today on organizations introducing flexi working hours for women so that they can strike a balance back home and at the workplace. I really hope more and more organizations introduce such policies. We can’t deny that there are some incredible women professionals who are assets to the organizations. Therefore in the interest of the organization and the nation as a whole these policies should be actively implemented across industries.
We are blessed; let us create opportunities that would spread success, happiness and fulfillment!