No this attachments is not about the ones we thinking of all the while at work when mailing. This one's neither the one with loved ones. This one's with inanimate things. Things that don't really speak (though I believe they do in their own ways). For me I have always been very attached to things around me.
I remember when our old and haggard off white ambassador car at my father's place was bidding us adieu and a new maruti 800 was going to replace it, I was not excited one bit at that point.
For me it was the innumerable memories I had with my basanti (my boy friend then and my hubby now used to call it basanti). That was our first car, hence overwhelming emotions attached to it.
Next when our Godrej refrigerator was reduced to a mere showpiece in the house, my parents decided to replace it too. The new kelvinator was never a source of happiness for me.
With Maruti 800 being replaced with the silver Alto and the Kelvinator getting replaced with LG and the black and white TV replacing with the LG; each time was equally emotional for me.
It is that strange kinda of attachment I feel with these inanimate things. As if they are saying that just because I can't speak, you think I don't feel a thing or what. Wasn't I part of you always, good or bad, sickness or health? The feeling and the thought is wierd but that's how I have always felt.
Having stayed outside my native place for quite sometime we also kept shifting houses. That too was equally sad for me. And now after marriage too we keep changing houses, staying away from our place. Though I have somewhat learnt to move on from these emotions with advancing age but the feeling is very much deep rooted within.
So much so last year we started celebrating Ganpati at home (we moved to maharashtra last year) and like everyone we too got and purchased our favourite Ganpati. After keeping him for 10 days the 11th day was when he had to say goodbye. Buy we decided to keep him with us forever.
Now this year too we celebrated Ganpati with our same idol we could not immerse because we loved him so much.